water make big boom on truck

holy shit that’s a lot of water.

was great to see him walking around and then booom another explosion of water.

holy fuck thats insane…what was it?


no, it’s do-do.

why am i not seeing a civic? it looked like a truck

being facetious

yeha,no civic.just a fucking waterfall

why? it doesn’t even makes sense. do you usually go “hey there’s a civic” when its actually a truck? then one someone says, “hey that’s a truck”, do you reply with “im just being facetious”?

maybe i am missing the truck looks like a civic joke?

there fixed for ya… you went WAY too deep into it

it just made absolutely no sense.

dude… relax… it was just a title… hahaha

i never had any problems with ya… just watch the video and be glad it wasnt your unlucky ass… hes lucky that cover didnt land ON the truck…


there’s a civic? is it under the big cover thing?
Who here would have driven through and who would have stopped when they saw a geyser in front of them?

what’s the story on that? Storm surge through a sewer? that’s incredible.

i cant believe the people that go flying though it

That cover he hit looked huge and heavy.

It sure did!

I would have stopped for sure.

Wow that’s nuts. I wonder what made the water shoot up like that.