Waterfest 17

Yea she is def hotter now then HS but fake boobs help with that, she was pretty flat chested in HS.

I used to hangout with her quite a bit actually because one of her good friends was dating my good friend in HS. She was def a cool chic too hangout with, wasn’t a stuck up snobby bitch or anything.

Cool guy.

waiting for pics…

fuck off

fuck on

fuck on me? noooo i wanna fuck on you

that pic of Pete makes me think of sid



Couple of pics

Someone has to post the vids from that night . No idea how to get them on here from my bb

How have you managed to take time out your busy celebrity style life to post this?

Haha my ride lookin hella clean in the pics duke. I approve.


sooo im disappointed in this trip, neither of the 2 girls i got numbers from sent me nudes… ill try again tonight when im wasted.


“oh shiittttttttt”


Everyone is a fucking asshole.
I hate New Jersey accents.
Its dirty.
It smells.
The side of the interstate looks like a fucking dump.
The roads are not big_red Jetta friendly.

Someone please tell me one of you told those Jersey Shore fucks their state sucks ass worse than their show on camera.

Haha. Girls were some of the most stuck up bitches i’ve ever seen. In seaside, the Jersey Shore cast was walking out of their beach house getting into their Caddy’s , when a little ~8 year old girl yells out “Jersey Shore SUCKS”. I LOLD


I would’ve bought that girl an ice cream :rofl

Haha I shoulda.