waterfest 2013???

i am the crew

If I finish all the electrical shit on the Jetta, I will probably still bail out since it doesn’t have AC.

what day do you go down?

friday. you can only go if you appolgize for shooting those birds.

apologize now

it was only one bird. have you actually seen what they did to the car? :lol they fucked it up. this was both sides of the car https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/463369_3190649529944_450457250_o.jpg

but anyways, sorry for hurting your feelings for killing a bird.

you fuckin killerbird

KBB. Lets get a gang to roll

Da fuk is that a picture of?

all the scratches in my door from robins attacking it haha


Holy shit! lol

friday roll down like 6pm??? leave from…my house?

na fuck that too manny creepers. me pete stallmer and chris will meet up at say…fridays at 6pm.

Okay this sounds perfect. We get same hotel we had in Jerz as last year by the show?

I didn’t wanna go.

Oh you are coming. Tons of BMW fanbois for you there. No Caddi’s tho

have too! that hotel is BOSS!

The breakfast buffet was nothing short of amazing. So worth it.

I’ll probably go only to get APR’s HPFP and flash update.

yea lets do the same, friday night that one hotel then sat night at the other on the shore… this time im going in the water.