Watermelon + .50cal = Awesome

Death wish? lol I wouldnt have the balls to do that, thats crazy

who the FUCK would do that

Probably the same type of person who thinks this is real.

Why couldn’t it be real? At that range that bullet wouldn’t drop at all.

Look at his other videos, computer and video graphic editing

Oh this is the same kid with the jumping rocket launcher lol

Not saying it looks fake, in fact, I think it looks great!



MythBusters discussion on if it’s real: http://community.discovery.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/5261919888/m/39719427601


Yeah at that range with that powerful of a round, and a scope…that’s doable, unless of course you sneezed.

I’m not really a gun expert, but would that watermelon REALLY explode like that? I would think that if you shot a watermelon, it would be soft enough for it to just slice right through it.

There’s nothing difficult about that shot. Give me a target that size at that range shooting prone and I’ll hit it all day long.

The problem is it’s a target WITH A PERSON DIRECTLY UNDER IT. I can’t imagine anyone willing to assume the legal risks involved with taking that shot.

Add to it that the guy’s profession is video effects and it’s pretty clear this was done for viral publicity.



Yeah pretty much. A large caliber round at high velocity usually means a small entry hole and a large exit hole.

Bullets like 7.62 x 39 tend to tumble so when they hit a body they can enter, scatter, then exit. Usually death is from the internal injuries as a result of being shot.

dude i love this video from this guy

the guys is known for doing special effects, not having balls of steel. you do the math

i cannot imagine why this picture was taken

i kinda paused it at 46 seconds in when he removes the round from the chamber, you can still see the bullet on the end of the brass…

i see an empty casing