Waz up

Well in case you have not guessed it by now i’m a n00b to the site…

Went ot HS at williamsville north left moved to Texas for 12 years came back to NY with the wife cause her family is in syracuse!

uhhh what else

I’m hoping the car scene is as hoping in NY as it is in Texas!

I drive an 04 Comp Ornage Svt slowcus ( focus ) lol

jackson racing s/c bbk

have full cgi block and built head awaiting a nice turbo for adecent little rocket… but that’s another story…




heyo. welcome.

welcome :wave:

welcome! pics! pics! lol

nice avatar… you might be interested in this thread.




hey man, focus in progress is the man to talk to for insite on go fast stuff…

:tup:, im sorry you had to come back to the cold (unless thats your thing)

Welcome Aboard :wave:

Cold definately is NOT my thing but hey spent the whole day riding sleds yesturday

man i’m soar

rode 180 miles left 6am got back at 6pm and that was just from the drop off spot :slight_smile: