We need one of these here....

indoor drag racing! pretty cool i think. something different to do to kill the winter months…currently in australia.


edit: there is a vid or 2 on their site as well

Looks pretty cool.

Hell yeah!

I know at least one factory in Tonawanda (behind GM Powertrain) that is huuuuge. It was even used as a airplane assem. plant during WWII. Its gotta be 1/2mi. long, and 1/8mi. wide.

I worked inside it when I was testing engines for GMPowertrain.

^^ thats right nextdoor to my work…part of it is a school now.

Anyone else think that would be really fucking loud

I think you are missing the point :gotme:

RHD muscle cars are the shit

it’d be sick but i’d like to know how it knows when you would get traction n stuff like that… or if its like hit the gas n start moving

LMAO I actually watched the video and its on rollers…

What point am I missing?

aaand JuicedGT, where do u work at?


I like these.

Why would you need a building that big, your not actually racing a 1/4 on pavement.

Yeah, I watched the video :wink: got it.

i work in the tonawanda commerce center…that bulding is one the left side, and thermal foams is on the right.

i bet that shit is noisy though. basically a video game using your own car.

yea the next thing will be foot races on treadmills that are connected to the internet. We could have foot race battles online.

but will the plane take off?

looks cool

It looks like it kinda just gets up and goes, doesn’t compensate for traction loss.

but I bet they wouldn’t have an AWD version.

Oh no you dii’ent!!!

That would be pretty sweet, untill the tiedown strap lets go, but untill then, it would be sweet

ive seen indoor stock car racing like an actuall track i dunno y theres nothing for drag racing. like an old airplain hanger like said before. just need some good ventalation and someone could make money in the winter months.