We should arrange this "game" for our next event


Think the guys at the Garrison would be up for something like this?

Yeah, but what’s the use? I don’t feel like spending the whole day telling s13 owners that they’re “dead” because despite what they think infrared can see through the smoke cloud from their long, slow, smoky drift. :E

Pff you’re just jealous.
Exiges are amazing cars. I wonder what the cost of renting an Apache would cost for a day?

Was that Motorhead? That is going into my driving music library.

…and that Jeremy kills me. :lol:

again time for some pics of the exige. It is currently my favorite car of all time.
and for the money shot

The Ace of Spades. :E

One day the Exige will be mine… one day.

i think we would have to be more worried about falling sea kings than infared missiles :o

Gotta love Hewland quickchange gears.

The Ace of Spades. :E [/quote]

Burner is their best song. Just figured I’d throw that out there.

its got Vtec!!! and RWD the ricers will be in love

this car is like throwing an sr20 in a crx look at the thing i wouldn’t b surprised if it was made out of all CB