Weather 518

Some one buy me a new snowboard

Very nice! Where’d you buy them from? I need to replace my 8yr old Dalbello boots and Salomon bindings this year. They were alright on the Blizzards, but fucking BLOW being center-mounted on the lines.

Sports Page up in Glens Falls. Boot prices have gotten out of hand, anything that is decently stiff is $500+

Worth it, though.

excellent Ollie Williams :slight_smile:

I dont mind the winter too too bad. I laugh at snow when im driving, but its the fact that I end up being cold(i HATE this the most with every single fiber of my being, i rage so fucking hard)
I hate to have to deal with snow as far as cleaning it away goes. Especially when its wet. ice is a bitch too. this shit causes everyone who isnt simply retarded(large truck and suv drivers in particular who think that if they can accelerate well they can stop well in those heaps as well) or ppl with awd to drive at 1/4th the speed limit making EVERYONE late everywhere. salting the entire goddamn state, moisture levels in the air to drastically shoot skyhigh and then drop to lowest of the lows. all that bullshit that comes with the winter is not woth the 2 minutes and 17 seconds u spend on the ride down snowtubing. soon as i can, im getting the fuck outta ny and moving to like orange county or something similar in cali or to florida. FUCK WINTER

May I suggest a waterproof winter jacket.

It’s snowing up in placid right now. They’re supposed to be picking up 2-4" tonight. :ahh

i just saw this shit on the news. and if u guys ask “U MAD” i certainly am!

I’m going up there right now. I need to sharpen up my e-brake sliding skillz for the upcoming wintre drift season.

be carefull man, dont crash. find some big empty lot, dont go on roads

I got new winter sport stuff too, but I’d rather have a 70 degree winter. I can still use these anyways.

Here’s Whiteface a couple of hrs ago:

oh yeaa

:ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh FUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Supposedly, you can hike up and ski down. They’re not allowing gear on the gondola though. :gay

Holy fuck. Looks like I’m taking the miata off of the road early.

I got these 2 years ago and they fucking rock.

What size are you? I have some Technica Mega 10 boots for sale, they are about a size 11. Used them once, last years model.

  1. I think the Dalbellos I have now are an 11 and my foot is pretty cramped in there.

Well you’re welcome to try them out if you want, I looked them up and they are 11.5s.

I really need something a bit stiffer than what the reviews are saying about them. They’d go well with my all mtn skis, though.

What skis/bindings did you use them with?