Weather 518

Yeah I’m downtown as well and OGS shut off half the lights in our building and is periodically turning our A/C off and on.


GE is cranking the AC, stealing all your electricity bitches :rofl

lol try working outside 8 hours in this shit 90 feet up on the side of a 10 story building. People start dropping like flys.

Just hit 100 degrees in albany.

yup, I’m sitting in 70 degrees of comfort while the sun is blazing through my window

Weather is awesome.

I work outside too. Pussies.

It prolly won’t stop me from trying to get out onn the bike later, just gotta make sure the camelbak is topped off.

The rain feels nice.

thinking the same thing, was going to the store, getting a camelbak and going for a nice bike ride… then i got in my car and realized it was wayyyy to hot for that :lol

Weather in NY doesn’t look so bad now huh

July Broke Almost 9,000 Heat Records


I’ll quote you and make fun of you in a year and a half.

I hope hell has internet access

Funny, hell is a religious concept of after life not associated with the Mayans at all, therefore if you believe in hell and organized religion such as presumably Christianity you shouldn’t believe in the concept of 2012.

The only thing this proves is that you’re weak minded and you will believe any misinformation given to you even if it contradicts your other beliefs.

Dude I’m just fucking around. Serious admin is super srs

Trolling every thread gets on my nerves, yes.

They see me trolling
They hatin’

Meanwhile, in Troy:

never too early to start thinking about the boarding/ski season: