Weather Bug

If someone has the activation Key to it, Can they post it?

Weatherbug = spyware galore from what I experienced. Maybe when you unlock it there is none. Just an honest heads up.

yeah it’s chock full of spyware… it won’t run unles the spyware is on … it’s free from what i thought?

i love the weather notification on my object dock, object dock is the shit


Weatherbug caused a bunch of problems for my laptop…like fetter said…spyware galore

When i worked at adelphia a rep from weatherbug called and threatened to sue us because we were telling people that it came with spyware. The guy was pretty serious too. I did everything i could to try not to laugh my ass off in his ear.

Anyway while i was waiting for our corporate info from my supervisor im carrying on a conversation with this guy about the known spyware they put in the software. His resopns is that they don’t do that anymore… I didn’t believe him but the fact that the did at one time was enough to go hmmm, what about those people that still have the old version of your software? you dont tell thme to take it off???

well, the key to running weather bug is to make sure bonzai buddy and yahoo-tool-bar are running at the same time.


Outstanding idea!! :rofl:

Wow my fiance had all of those on her old computer.

and it didn’t explode?


Don’t forget CoolWebSearch that shit is hot like scalding oil on your face. :pimp:

No but it was in real misery until I replaced it.

This is true, downloading coolwebsearch several times cant hurt either


Yes, Weatherbug has so much spyware shit attached to it, it’s rediculous. I had to re do my computer twice because of it. Then I D/L’d Desktop Weather. It has been atleast 8 months without any problems. Give it a shot

forecastfox >*

dosen’t anyone have the weather channel?

Trillian + weather plugin > *

back on point…

WB 5.0: 668690885-G8891-6666Y-X0F75668690885-G8891-6666Y-X0F75

WB Pro: 65868-96887-D8891-8888V-U0C72

WB 4.1 Pro: 668690885-G8891-8888Y-X0F75668690885-G8891-8888Y-X0F75
668690885-G8891-8888 Y-X0F75668690885-G8891-8888 Y-X0F75

a quick serial search turned these up, can’t tell you if they work as I don’t use any toolbars…

Hey, I like porn pop ups and penis enlargement ads too!