Wow man you’re really pussing out on this one. Who cares if someone hits on you, unless they physically touch you or something it should be fine. It would just prove they are a creeper, and sometimes its fun to have a creeper around. This country needs to grow a set sometimes. Plus you should see these as compliments. A gay guy and a fat pig both think you’re dead sexy, awesome! Now you just need to get hot dumb chicks to think you’re sexy and you’re set.
Gay guy hitting on you: Don’t dress so fashionably and he won’t think you’re gay any longer. Plus if you close your eyes and don’t touch his head you can’t really tell a difference anyways could you?
Fatty hitting on you: This one is easy and good. Tell her you only date chicks that cook you cookies wrapped in $100 bills. If she gives you more then $25K you put out. (This is because now your fat from eating all the cookies…damn)
/ funny though!