mid 90’s and clear today in Asheville
well, the weather inside is usually clear and 72. Occasionally foggy (burning food in the oven)
Wow, I’ve been in my air conditioned office all day. Sounds like I’m going to get a hit in the face holy shit it’s hot out in about 10 minutes…
yeah…It’s pretty warm. Hockey should be fun :eek:
yeah its 95 fucking degrees out and I’m out there shoveling soil…landscaping fuckin sucks.
About to go to work here… walked out of the house earlier to see how it actually felt like and all i can say is thank fucking god there is an AC at work. Id probably call in sick otherwise lol
It sucks to be out of that nice air conditioned work. I should go back… time to go the mall or something… lol. Probably into the pool again.
Yay, NYC metro north ride…
at least I’m not taking the subway…
Basketball is going to be killer tonight.
This weather fucking sucks. Humid and 20 degrees too hot. I almost died this morning in the middle of stamping a patio and it was only 11.
remember all those overpaid GM ppl on days like today.Usually 15-20 hotter in the plant then outside.But atleast they have a fan 30ft away from you 20ft up in the air to cool you.Man I’m going to Haaaaaaaate going back next month.
I think that would be hazy. When you take a shower is when it gets foggy?
I won’t complain about this weather one bit. Wait until it’s 5 degrees and 3 feet of snow blocking your car in the driveway and you bitch about that. You can’t have it neither way. I love it here because we get a taste of all the seasons perfectly. If you don’t like it… leave.
Today was officially a record breaker. mid 90’s in spots.
work is fun… 110 degree warehouse all day…
I love this weather! Time to cruise to work with the windows down, sunroof open, and Crazy Bitch blasting!
ahh…such a nice drive to work this morning…windows down…sunroof open…music blasting.
but now i am at work
I’m at work too…
but it kinda looks like rain down here
boooooooo to rain…
<—goes to check the weather radar :lol:
gorgeous day over here, im at work till 12, then im working on the car. putting my :snky: motor in
Any of your fagors complaining about the heat can eat a cack.
I will never complain about the heat because we get so little of it. Rain, snow, cold thats when I start bitching.