
haha…ok well i guess john cena rubs off on everyone.

oh yeah, I forgot

that was crazy weather that night

u cant c time is now :slight_smile:

this weather has made me sick as hell :frowning:

dude ur like 6’ if that and mabe 100 pounds soak and wet…and whiter than that mother fucker from the movie powder


you act like you weight anything over that…

stfu, i wasnt talking to you but now i am. hes the wigger and has a degree in wiggerhood

and you’re like the mini me of val kilmer…

thyeh wigger remarks are kinda lame … i was hoping for a little bit better than that.

val kilmer is short

:rofl: Quik is the ICEMAN!

they call him that cause the way that he drives, ice cold; no mistakes

hahahaha thats funny, i dont care who you are thats just plain ole funny

yes no missed shifts :stick:


old man snoozing again


that happins waiting for u at the end of the 1/4!:zzz:

right now notch> your ride…opps no ride of yours :stick:

67 went 12.70’s STOCKGM motor>all urs :blue:

that should be a good race