
So it’s suppose to be in the 70’s tomorrow here, and where will I be?? PITTSBURGH! I hope your weather will be nice this week :slight_smile: I’ll be at a conference in Station Square, lucky me

Seeing how your down by the river, I’m shooting for low 60s to mid 50s. Have fun.

in a VAN?

eating government cheese?

:gives: :1320:

if its nice out are you gonna take the twins for a walk :naughty:

lol heck ya! Actually I was thinking of walking to the conference since I’m staying on the south side

flew into dc, it was nice there today

Post pics of twins in southside after the trip…

I’m over here at Pittsburgh Rare and there isn’t a cloud in the sky! You guys are having some great weather :slight_smile:

It is nice out. Now if summer could only come sooner…

so there should be no clouds blocking ur twins!:bigthumb:

I was out this afternoon with the Electricians and it was a amazing weather for November.

Pics of you in bathing suite?



never thought i’ld be agree’n wit dan

ROFL :slight_smile:

so how did the twins like the walk?:smiley:

Twins going to be out in the SS tonight?