web cam girls, no nudity but some times it just dosnt matter

Mmmm goodness


nominated for best post ever…

nice vid :shock:,thats like teasing, i dont like to be teased bad things happen after at night :D/

got my vote.

that last girl… :shock:

i fukkin loved the blonde in the middle iwht the white collar and tan sweater, looks like a mennonite girl i dated in highschool.

and the brunnette that was dancing in the first half with the fan on… WOOT

definatly agree with bing there

If it wasn’t for her perfect ass, I would be pissed at the chick with the kilt for stuffing her bra. After she took off the kilt, I think I can find it in my heart to forgive her.

Nice Post man.

:shock: That was fun

hope you cleaned up and disinfected everything around you :stuck_out_tongue:

Where there’s a part two… there’s always a part 1 :smiley:

I forget if I posted this but…


For posting a vid of an asian girl, I now declare Gonad to be the King Of Everything! :lol:

It’s not nice to play with your food, but in her case I’ll make an exception. wouldn’t mind givin’ her a bananasplit lol !

How it’s done:

How it’s not done: :ugh:

WOW that blonde half way though the clip was so hot, the one that Bing was talking about! Dammmmmnnn she was hot!.. Even the one at the end with the whip cream was awesome too, she had small tits but her mouth and tounge made up for it.

i would stuff each and every one like the thanksgiving turkey.

I would treat them respectfully, like a real lady deserves to be treated.

Not. I’m with Spilner 100% :lol:

haha and u wonder why teh ladies think guys are pigs.


^^ This guy knows 8)

Its all about making it worth it, seen? If you go in there like a two-pump chump teh chickies pass on the word. Make 'em scream and they tell all their hot friends ‘you gotta try this one out’ :lol:

giggity :twisted:
