Can you move the funny pics and gifs thread to OT?
I’m going to bring threads back in a few, while keeping an eye on what websense shows.
Woot, Im back in!
Nice. I know a few others are having issues still, but they might not be using websense.
You can check the websense classification here:
---------- Post added at 09:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 AM ----------
Joe, can you get me the Bluecoat category for NYSpeed from your administrator? It’s one of these Symantec Sitereview
Apparently K9 (if that’s what they’re using) has problems with mixed-content websites and the only way around it that I can find right now is to create an “exception” by the administrator.
I am pretty sure that we can build a robots file that keeps the spiders out of certain areas… Does any one have experience with creating these? I can provide a full map of the site.
i’m pretty sure that the robots.txt file is a pretty basic thing to build
Our structure here is pretty advanced though… it is not as simple as directory/sub directory.
booo! why must some of us suffer so others can benefit. lol
here is an idea. throw the jailbait thread into the polisucks forum since no one will care if that is blocked at work or not. lol
You can get down to individual pages with a robots.txt. The problem is there doesn’t seem to be a set structure so to speak for forums.
So something like
User-agent: *
wouldn’t work I don’t think due to the PHP pages. Can you post the sitemap?
They have it listed under VirusInfectedSites. I didn’t see that in their list of categories so I believe it may be a custom one by our admins?
Yeah… do you have any pull with your admin?
Nope, they are all in Chicago and India. Gay. I even raised a case to that team when it first happened, told them this was my personal site and I could assure it wasn’t virus infected but needed to be able to access it when VPN’ed into the work network and they still denied it.
Tether with your smartphone and surf on your PC that way.
Damn those guys are serious hater nerds Joe.