wed july 2 TONIGHT!!!

great info, tell me again.


It was his brother’s mother’s uncle’s cousin’s son’s buddy that rides with all his friends who wrecked.

Yeah, and apparently he was going the exact speed limit and was an innocent victim. Based on the damage, sure looks like he was going 25 mph :jerkit:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: … :wtf:

Yea that did sound kinda weird:hsdance:lol

Sounds like a line out of FNF … :rofl:

When I read it the immediate picture in my mind was a bunch of cars zooming out of the industrial park.

He was slowing down coming to a light when she smashed into him, he was an innocent victim due to the fact that the girl switched 2 lanes in one cut and blind sided him…You werent there so dont assume shit.

I was directing it to tray, he knows what Im talking about…Idk his name so I had to put it in words he would understand.

:rofl: … Exactly what I was thinking