weiner cats?

i have no comment on that lol.

this cat is awesome!

If thats dumb check this out:

Emo Space Cadet and his gayblade spaceship.

Beam yourself back to the dumpster you came from.


Oh and

Man Weiner > Weiner Dog > Weiner Cat

no wait…

the pile of parts i call my 240sx is sweeter than your entire existance, and from there, my cars just get better. jealousy is like spandex. it doesn’t look good on anyone. don’t be jealous, and please don’t wear spandex.

sweet…a new form of chew toy for my dogs.

dude,this one looks fake…





what’s this thread about again?

don likes sportline cats too

you just want weiner, sho nuff

Umm, weiner dogs take down badgers, so I’d take that bet…

Pre-pimped cats with a 3" drop, that is so hot.

bwahahahahhaha since when did sit and spin turn into a rocketship lol

newman you get a fucking cat and i’ll fucking kill you. im serious. no more veggie hoagies for you.

And here we are again for another episode of:

“EmoTREK and the Adventures of Captain Douchebag”

Captain Douchebag: “Mr Scott, my Klingon gayblade cruiser is malfunctioning. Beam me down to planet Buttsex immediately!”

Mr Scott: “But Captain, the transporters are down. FagsGreenLx cock ring is interfering with the signal. You have to separate it from your Emo wallet chain. There are plenty other dickriders waiting for your luvin back at homebase dumpster"

Captain Douchebag: “Ohura, send out a general Myspace hail for all females under 15”

Mr Spock: “But captain, that’s illogical”

Captain Douchebag: “Damn it Spock, my purple HIDs are not working on them anymore!"

-the end

this has been a Go Fuck Yourself production

LMAO haha this one’s gonna go 12 rounds :lol:

Dickrider? Newman and I have had our disagreements in the past so your entire little scenario (while being painfully unfunny and a waste of time) is inaccurate. The one thing that Newman and I agree on is you.

imma get me a lowrider cat. and chop and section it. and make some mean general tso. mmmm.

Mother Fucking :word:

wtf. this isn’t even remotely funny. let me put it into a visual format that you can understand. simpletons love pictures.


To avoid being labeled a “dickrider” I won’t mention the fact that this chart made me laugh quite a bit.