Weird Billboard

Coming home on the 33 today, only got a glance but a really strange billboard was up, was two grooms hugging and I cannot remember the slogan, but it looked like it was some personal attack, idk maybe someone got a better look at it

Had two chicks makin out on my jobsite yesterday. Nothing much surprises me anymore.

You’re going to post that shit without pics?

Unless they were disgusting, then you can keep that to yourself.

One was actually pretty hot but the other was the “man” like in the movie “Bound”. The only thing better than a pic of the two of them would’ve been a wide angle pic. of me taking the pic. of the two of them. Captain Obvious.

^Nuh uh…bahahahahahahhhahahahahha


:tup: that is phenomenal

I didn’t even know you could do stuff like this. Wish I’d known years ago.

awesome too bad it didnt have the guys name/phone number or something!

Haha I know the one guy with the hair he went to my highschool

that is fucking hilarious

Hahaha, that is fantastic!

Don’t let your old age stop you. Make a bucket list of things to do before you die!

Well that’s the one I was talking about

this gives me a few ideas…:snky:

HAHAHAHA amazing!!