Weirdest fucking rap vid evarrrr

Funny, stupid, weird, all at the same time. Im speechless really…

jammer showed me this shit a while back, he thought it was serious… im still convinced its a joke

that dude is fuckin stewpid

Nah, dudes real… Antwood is actually tatooed on that dude that hangs with Steve-O from Jackass… was a topic on Howard Stern for a bit.

its still a joke to me :lol

and to all who view!

it bothers me to no extent that Die Antwoord became famous


Liar, it bothers you

and it should… your wayyyyyy better.

Jonny and I are taking you on tour

ya i meant +1 as in it bothers me lol you been drinkin bro ?

ya we goin on tour, tell johny to start packin shits comin up soon

he said “no” extent. re-read focker

Sick tune.

by no extent, I meant an extent so infinite that it couldn’t possibly be reached

although their videos are weird, I kinda dig their music lol

Is this the dude that swings his wang around in the videos?


:rofl you def had to be drinkin hahahaha

ahahahah i watched one of his vids where it just zooms in on him swingin his wang in circles under his shorts for like 30 seconds straight, i was like fuckin rollin so hard just laughin :lol

yup and that was disturbing…fucking wack jobs.

ie Antwoord (Afrikaans: “The Answer”) a hip-hop group from Cape Town, South Africa consisting of three members Ninja, Yo-Landi Vi$$er and DJ Hi-Tek. The band self-identifies as a mélange of several diverse cultures.
The band toured Europe starting in April 2010 and the USA and Canada later that same year

what do you want out of cape town,

What the…

Another great way to start my morning!