well atleast he off-roads it...

I passed you yesterday on the road and thought to myself… “at least he has fun with it.” Didn’t think it was you though.

Some guy at UB has a G-Wagen. That’s more badass. :slight_smile:

only if it’s a g55.

g500 is cool, but not cooler than a range.

Only a lesbo would think that the Gwagen isn’t mad pimp. And that’s only because the Range Rover has more room for scuba gear.

at least they off road them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktU7SEdhNzs

I love this video.

Similar tires on this one… so it wasn’t offroad… it was puddle jumping.
Being better than everyone else’s SUV is like:
Winning the special olympics
King of the Retards… etc

how does that video have anything to do with the vehicles offroad ability other than the tyres?

Defender 90 and 110 are the only Rovers in my book… The rest can suck it!


Don’t get your thong in a bunch… I am extremely jealous :lol:. My truck couldn’t do the moonwalk with slicks if I tried. Apparently an $85k SUV can.

I also get a kick out of the fact that the guys were so choked by their pride, they wouldn’t get out and push…

I also love that video. It is impressive.


Just watched it again… HAHAHAHAHA

I’d hate to get stuck in an 1/8" of mud… the locker and traction control were working wonders. Its a good thing they didn’t get out… they could have fallen.

I agree… the tires on that vehicle were 80% responsible for not maintaining mobility.

he probably did not engage the lockers.

you can lock them from inside the car?

I loved locking the tacomas rear diff at my old work and driving around tight dry corners, haha.

all 4 tires were spinning… I applaud it for that. Even mine will only spin 3… but they don’t spin for long.

I haven’t felt the need to invest into lockers yet… like an ARB which can be activated in cabin…

I remember looking for aftermarket LSD for my 3/4 cummins and I couldn’t find ANY! only one that was available was from Dodge

it’s no secret factory cont-sports suck in the mud… but traction control can also be turned off from within the cabin…which was also likely the case.

since we’re posting videos, these are fun:

bottom line here, it’s fun to beat on it despite everybody’s tendency to baby these things and keep them clean. (a parode of Nikuk’s “at least he drives it thread” with the GT40)

was badass to see it at bubble tea like that lolol

Laffy - love those vids…

I just wanted to post mine… and what better time?

That kid did not have a cf coat Sunday what gives?