We'll miss George W. Bush....

pretty funny. I lol’d at the binocular’s pic.

America will soon have a new president, but before George W Bush leaves office, let’s take a look back at some of our favourite moments from his presidency. We’ll miss the facial expressions…

…the chest bumping…

…tub thumping…

…fist bumping…

and the dancing…

We’ll have fond memories of his displays of sporting prowess…

But, mostly, we’ll remember the dancing …

We’ll miss the photo opportunities with babies…

…and binoculars (though we’ll try to forget that the lens caps appeared to be left on)

weapons of mass destruction…

…and his own weapon of personal destruction: the pretzel

his love for animals…

…and their love fro him…

But, mostly, we’ll miss the dancing

lol thats the only thing im going to miss about W… the comedy :frowning:

I’ll be interested to see if history remembers him nearly as badly as the media has portrayed him.

gooooooddd bbbbyyyyeeeeee dip shit!

He was a bad president, but that is definitely the kind of guy I’d want to have a beer with.

He would probably make a great talk show host.



I listen to 102.1 the Edge from TO and last weekend they did an American Idiot weekend and kept playing clips of some “Bush-isms” The best was when he said that “Last night me and Jeb had some crabs.” Or the OB-GYN’s practicing their love on women, funny stuff. At least he was an avid cyclist, I’ll give him that. But, he probabally thinks 20 miles a day out in flat as a pancake Texas is hard:rofl:

I’d love to have a beer with him and have a casual conversation about what the fuck’s gone on in the last 8 years.

i bet he slams some beers

and dont forget the coke!

Him and Bill I can see getting into some trouble

I can’t believe how I didn’t see most of those pictures.
I do love the binocular one though =)

I wonder what all the political humor shows are gonna talk about when the country actually is being run right…

We will have to wait for Ron Paul in 2012 to find this out.
Everyone knows McSame and Obama arent right for the job haha. (neither was Bush)

Ron Paul will be dead by then.

Bush was funny and im sure a good guy, he just sucked at running the country. (though the current state of the country im sure everyone will have a bit of trouble, its not like bush caused everything bad to happen, he was just in charge so he gets most of the blame, just like when a football team is doing bad the coach gets the blame, even if they have sub-par players)