
I like to say good bye again to everyone i Didnt see over the last two days i was home…

I will be going over to the sand box right after the new year now…wegot pushed back cause of the elections and the fighting that is going to happen durring this time…:scared:

to all my friends feel free to call me while i am at FT Dix NJ…and if you lost my number feel free to PM me

Well all i want to say is everyone have a happy holiday and a great new year

Now you get to see all the camel toes Litterally :slight_smile:

Be safe and have fun, see you next year eric.

be nice to my camaros

Be Safe and Kick Ass

drivem like ther mine! :scared:

What unit are you going with? They told me last week i am going in March. So maybe I will see you over there.

1185 trans terminal Brigade

171 Security Forces. i dont know i will keep my eye out. big country over there.

yes it is…my friend came home for a few weeks and I asked him if it is as bad as the news makes it look he said there are good days and bad days but he said no one understands how big baghdad is or any other city for that matter

edit: forgot the most important part…be safe dude.

see you next year man and be safe

Be safe and PM or post up you mail address so I can send you those decals :smiley:


hit me up and i will give you more info…i can not post the rest on a public forumn

Good luck,and hurry back

Good Luck and thank you for continuing where I left off. Be sure to give someone your address when you get over there. My wife loves to send care packages. :slight_smile: