Welp, im voting for Mccain now...

Come down from your high horse Joe. You have a WNY education and a sub 6 figure career at a bank. You’re doing very well, especially for this area and you’re clearly a smart guy but until you start getting near Forbes top 10000 I think it’s a bit premature to keep throwing out the “I’m so awesome” card. Besides that, even in the unlikely event you make some Forbes list, I’m still just going to say it’s because you had the advantage of not having a mortgage payment. :stuck_out_tongue:

Props to tire smoke :tup:

but Ron Paul doesn’t like McCain, he said to vote for a 3rd party:



I think Ronnie is a little bitter after getting <1% of the primary vote. :slight_smile:

Obama ALL the way …

Don’t you people see this country goes to shit a little more every year … STOP VOTING FOR THE OLD WHITE GUYS …

I am so awesome. I overtook Newman for #4355 least lame member.

If I had the capital to work with…
Your first million is harder to make than the next 10. The starting point is all you need. She has a special ed degree from USC. Nothing to sneeze at, but certainly not Ivy level. The average teacher with it makes less than me. She’s worth a couple hundred mill.
And paying amherst taxes at 23 is as bad as a mortgage. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m just waiting for the day when an article refers to the movie Cars as an example of what drifting is…

hahaha, I had to do a double take… thought you meant she was IN special ed :lol:

Me too. I was like special ed wow…

I was thinking this Special Ed:


I believe that’s known as a communications degree.

haha oh snap

that’s raciest.

Oh, and for the record, Palin has a communications degree. I just found that out today. I LOLed.

Old news.
Maybe it will get some youth vote.:wink:

Nick Hogan

yea, just what we need is more kids wrecking sti’s

I’d hit it

what you post should say is if you want this wonderful (and i am not being sarcastic) country to go to hell in a fucking handbasket faster then you can say odumba then please vote for him.

p.s. when there are 75 attacks a year by terrorist on a our homeland, with him in office, don’t come crying to me!
p.s.s. when the economy is so deep in the shiter it is not even funny again don’t come crying to me.