Welp - it's over

No more Monday Night Football on ABC

ESPN now eh?

Hopefully they won’t have John “Captain Obvious” Madden announcing.

36 years, holy shit.

bo0oooo00 lol

It doesn’t bother me really… but at least they couldn’t had scheduled a possibly better game for the last one. NE and the Jets is crap no matter what the teams were predicted to do at the beginning of the year. This will suck for those who do not have cable… now they can’t watch the game anymore since it will be off of ABC.:tdown:

Its a Joke. Theyre making it so that you have to pay to watch any sort of entertaing sports. fuckin lame.

:tup: :tup::tup:

wont matter as of next year…

You’re kidding, right? That’s like bitching about the internet being full of websites full of large files & graphics taking forever to download/open on Your 56k connection. :bloated: if you want to partake in entertaining sports coverage, you pay for the sports services. Same thing.

555 MNFs down, not a bad run.

I can’t believe people are bitching about “paying for watching sports” I bet none of those whiney bitches don’t have cable and will continue to watch just the same. Just being a whiney bitch for the sake of being a whiney bitch.

  1. John Madden and Al Michaels were great announcers

  2. Next year they arent scheduling the Monday night games untill part way through the season.

  3. ESPN is sweet

uhm, where did you hear that one?



They are able to change games as of week 11… but afaik they have plans for mon. night games from week 1.

yeah, from what I heard on the radio, teams will be scheduled to play on Monday nights whenever throughout the season. So it could be scheduled for a Sunday, but then because they’re doing well, they are pushed to Monday night. (I guess thats what the plan is, not sure if they’ll keep it that way)

That would piss me off, especially if I had tickets from out of town and planned on being to the stadium on a Sunday, then all of a sudden it’s put to Monday and I can’t go. It’s stupid if you ask me.


well, only buy tix to games in weeks 1-10. :gotme:

then again… it’s not like Bill’s fan’s will have to worry about this :lol:

Why are they switchin to ESPN?

Even worse…
The new color commentator is Joe “Annoying motherfucker” Theismann.
Sunday night football = Chris Collingsworth (Who I’ve never seen even do play by play) and captain obvious on NBC.

speaking of captain obvious…I love it when they interview players and they are like “I just gotta catch the ball and get the touch down”

and then the commentator goes “they really just have to move the ball today. This team should really aim for completions and running yards”

no shit


thats all that comes out of maddens mouth

“you know they really want to do two things here, but ya ya ya ya know it’s really one thing, they’d like the touch down, and you yoy you you know they want 7”

wait, are there teams out there that actually don’t want to score when they have the ball?


This team here, they are really looking to lose today, lose bad. What they really need to do is make sure that ball gets turned over as quickly as possible. The real issue they are going to face today is staying out of field goal range, once they get in there its going to be tough to come away with no score!