werd bishes

I’ve got a brick and a shotgun that says I’m sleeping on y0 fuckin couch

Shawn does not really exist anymore. He died years ago.

Re-born baby. I see the light. And, no I am not voting for GOP. :eek3

K20, you have a Ducati??

hey lets keep this on topic.(topic is djauggie died and came back to visit) PM him.

-ktnx, nazi mod.

I died :frowning:

Short answer, yes.

OT, I’m coming to Shawn’s house.

OP is a fraud, dude’s living in his gma’s basement.


The DJAuggie we all once knew is dead. I know this because the real DJAuggie would’ve come up to visit more than once per decade.

Shawn96VR4 is actually Travis under alias.

IP check confirms.

LOLZ. I can easily prove this as I have $100 or so in my wallet. If further proof is necessary, we can run my credit report. :slight_smile:

How do we know you didnt win that money at a trailer park poker game?

No trailor parks here but good point.

OK. 775 credit score. /Discussion.

foolproof way to get into Shawns place. simply wear an immigration jacket.

this thread sucks

your existence sucks.

this thread rocks

why cant jclark chill on yo couch …wasnt he gental to your old lady in the expedition? ya know when she was up here

