Wexford Starlite Car Cruise ready to close out record setting 2006

Thanks to Whitey and crew for letting me post our events on here. This will be the last time I bother everyone about the Wexford Cruise this year. Thanks.

Wexford Starlite Car Cruise ready to close out record setting 2006

As the first days or autumn are upon us, the staff of the Wexford Starlite Car Cruise would like to invite all our friends in the cruising community to the final Starlite Cruise of 2006.

This year has definitely been a breakout year for the popular Friday night event. From our season opener in May when we welcomed nearly 1200 vehicles through the final days of September, the Wexford Starlite Car Cruise has averaged 800 vehicles per event throughout the summer. With 19 Cruises in the books, the cumulative totals are incredible; 15,000 cars and nearly 50,000 people visited the campus of North Way Christian Community this summer.

Described as “HUGE! The largest cruise in Pittsburgh, if not the whole U.S. east coast!” by the Greater Pittsburgh GTO Club, the Wexford Starlite Car Cruise has its many volunteers, sponsors and vendors to thank for the success enjoyed in 2006.

Join us this week as we close out the cruise season in style! No fewer than seven trophies will be awarded for various classes of vehicles. The first 200 cars on site will receive special “End of Season” dash plaques. Lots of other prizes and surprises are planned for our wrap up event.

You can also see our “Single Mom’s Garage” ministry in action as a deserving single mother will be awarded a “gently used” mini-van that the unique outreach has been blessed with.

A special presentation will also be awarded to one of the legends of local motorsports. Herb Scott, one of the best drivers in local racing from the 1950’s through the 1970’s, is a fixture at the Starlite Car Cruise. Herb will be honored for his career in racing as well as his dedication to the auto restoration hobby.

Join us this Friday night September 29 as we close out the best season ever at the Wexford Starlite Car Cruise!

I’ve only made it to one of the Starlite cruises since I have to leave work early, but it was worth it. I was truely suprised to see how large it was.

I doub’t I’ll make this one, but theres always next year. It’s sad to see summer coming to an end…

I’ll definitely try to make it out. I had a good time every other Friday that I was out there. It’s always a nice turn out.

i will be there!

been there since the first and will be there on the last one!!!

I’ll be there - If the weather doesn’t suck, like it’s supposed to. Hell, I’ll probably be there if the weather does suck.

I’ll be there, too.

planning to be there

I’d really like to go…anyone want to meet somewhere and drive down together??? I have NO idea where that is.

find 79 north and get off warrendale exit. get off exit make right. go to light make a right, got about 2 miles its on your right

oh boy,

wow that is easy…LOL I think I can handle that:cool:

now your comute to 79 i have no idea for you on that one cause no idea on wher you lieve but its a truely easy place to find.

I was thinking that to get to 79 I would take the parkway towards Robinson ( coming from Pittsburgh ) but take the Washington/ Erie exit …I think the washington way is NOrth??? or is this not 79 at all?? hmm or is North ( the Erie way )

North ( the Erie way )

oh boy what???

If you can’t figure this out, please keep to the far right lane…to the right of the solid white line.

OKAY smart ass I will make sure I travel to the right of that "WHITE LINE " especially if I happen to see you and a broke down SUZUKI on the road… just becareful cause I won’t be riding that side to come help you!:finger2:

i should be up there around 630-7ish
can’t miss the rhd…thats me

I think it was a pretty successful turnout considering the weather earlier today.