Wexford Starlite Car Cruise to delay opening of 2008 Season

Wexford Starlite Car Cruise to delay opening of 2008 Season
Opening date will be Friday May 23rd

As the Wexford Starlite Car Cruise prepares for the kick off
of the 2008 cruise season, some tough decisions needed to be made. With the
building and grounds of North Way Christian Community in the midst of a major
expansion project, a number of obstacles have affected the way the Cruise will
operate this year.

The many volunteers that make the Wexford Starlite Car Cruise happen every week are committed to a standard of excellence that provides the best experience possible to all those who have come to enjoy the Starlite Cruise. In order to continue this distinction, a few adjustments are necessary.

First and foremost is the rescheduling of opening day. The
popular Friday night destination for so many cruisers in the area has
traditionally opened the season on the first Friday of May.

Delays in the construction project due mostly to weather and
some unforeseen circumstances during site preparation have forced the leadership
of the Wexford Starlite Car Cruise to move the opening day for the 2008 season
to Friday night, May 23, 2008. This is of course the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend.

This is a disappointment to be sure, but expecting our faithful
weekly visitors to tolerate the dirt, dust and inconvenience that a project of
this magnitude brings simply wouldn’t do justice to our event which we endeavor
to make the best of its kind anywhere. The hundreds of antique and custom
vehicles that populate our parking lots every Friday during the summer deserve
a clean, safe atmosphere to enjoy. We hope that delaying the start of the
Cruise this year will allow us to provide just that.

As the season moves forward from May 23rd, new traffic
patterns, parking policies and other changes and adjustments will need to be

We simply need to view it as “Temporary Inconvenience for Permanent Improvement.”

Thank you,
The Wexford Starlite Car Cruise Leadership Team

That’s a bummer, but I guess it’s all for the better.

haha, i got the Press Release email about 12 times.

but i’ll be there opening night.


So will the construction be done? or will it be 1500 cars fighting over 500 spaces?

:frowning: will be there but still :frowning:

Funny… I was up there checking out the parking lots last night. The main lot around the church itself has been significantly reduced in size - I owuld say by atleast 25%. I am thinking there will be much more activity in the upper lot now?

Perhaps they should put some food vendors ect… in that upper lot to “expand” the show and not just have overflow lots with people lingering “outside” the event.


Sounds like the 500 spots and 1500 people statement is going to hold true this year…

And after the Fiasco that was the last cruise of 2007, with people getting in fights with staff over not wanting to give up their saved spaces so people could park, Does not sound like this year will be fun at all :frowning:

This will probably be an ongoing dialog, so I’ll address these few concerns now.

  1. The parking lot construction will be finished before we open. The new upper lot is our biggest issue right now. Normal setbacks have put us where we are now. Added to that is the lousy late winter/spring weather. We just can’t get any blacktop up on the new lot. It is graded, prepped and wired for lighting, just can’t get asphalt on it for a while longer. I’m being told we’ll have 300-350 new spots up on the hill. With the ones we lost due to the new part of the building, that is supposed to give us a net gain of about 275-325 new spots. That’ll take our blacktopped parking availability to over 1000 with tons of grassy areas up on the hill to compliment the lot once the grass grows in.

  2. Upper lot amenities: There are plans to put a few food vendors up there and pipe the music up there as well. Our challenge is to keep it from becoming two cruises. We’ll deal with that as things develop. We on the cruise leadership teams need to keep reminding ourselves that we’re not a car cruise lot that has a church attached to it but the other way around :slight_smile:

  3. We have no misconceptions that this will be an incredibly difficult season. Adjustments will be made along the way in terms of traffic flow, vendor placement etc that will be addressed as they come up.

Oh and as for space saving; No more 6 PM cut-off time. No space saving. Period

Thanks to everyone on this board who attends. We love that so many of you come. What we’re asking for this year more than anything else is your patience. Also, if you’re so inclined, saying a prayer for us wouldn’t hurt either. :wink:


EEK… I think better enforcement would have done just as well… when we bring 15 cars down, it’s kind of hard to get everybody to meet in the same place then trying to get into the church at the same time is impossible with traffic and lights.

That might not be a good thing.

Your a putz. This is a privelage not a right.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll take note of it.

Your welcome you whiny little girl.

Thanks Jay . You guys do a great job and good luck with the 08 season.

that church is expanding?! that place was like “cribs” of any church i’ve ever been in.

my advise would be to boot the bikes somewhere else. As the title states “wexford starlite CAR cruise” if one muscle car cant get in because of a row of bikes thats one too many in my opinion.