What are some good questions to ask an applicant in a technical interview?

I’m interviewing some potential interns today and don’t have a lot of time to spend on coming up with a good interview, as I’ve never been the interviewer before. What are some good questions to get a feel for whether or not the potential engineering intern is a bookworm, good engineer, idiot, etc? I don’t want to be the guy who asks why manhole covers are round. :stuck_out_tongue:

For the most part I figure I’ll show him around the place, explain what we do, see if he can ask insightful technical questions, go over his resume and otherwise just shoot the shit.

ask him y he wants to Intern there…some if his personal interest may affect y he/she wants to work thre…EX…when I interview at Visteon i was jacked bcause they did car shit…and I told them that…but they hired within the company those bastards

^Good idea. Thanks!

If you have an airplane on a conveyor belt…



The moment you decide
“interview is over” in your head
aka this kids a moron

toss this curve ball at him
when he answers
shake your head a little
write something down
and tell him

“We will get back to you sometime next week”

haaa haa ahaaaaaaa

" have you ever seen a grown man naked ? "

It’s a very mundane question…

As much of a good time as the airplane on a conveyor belt was, my personal all time favorite physics problem is still the penguin with a shotgun on a block of ice…

i like to run through their resume. can usually spot inconsistencies or fibs, lies, truth stretching, etc. ask about previous jobs, ask about experience, knowledge, etc

explain please …

Something about there’s a penguin sitting on a block of ice creating a frictionless surface. If the penguin shoots a shotgun at a 35* angle to horizontal, does he move? How fast? How far?

I came up with a good one. I put together a few terminal blocks on a din rail. I’m going to ask him if he knows what it is/does and after if he can think of any ways to improve it. One of the little projects will be acquiring and performing all the engineering support to switching to screwless terminals to save assembly time.

ask what their phone number is in hex
ie. as 2 numbers XXX, and XXXX

^The only problem with that is that I’d have no way of knowing if they were right or not. :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe in binary…

i interviewed at a security company.
my interviewer was like 6 hours late because he was helping the CEO with his computer. apparently he got some malware. so he made a clone of the system (from before it was fixed) and asked me to do as much as i could in 3 hours while he went out for lunch and caught up on work. so since i was done in 20 minutes i basically just sat around.
hands-on tests are overrated. the company went under a week later. i couldn’t figure out why they wouldn’t call me until i saw it on the news.

^^^^ no wonder they went under!!!