What are YOU doing today?

yeah, and tablecloths, napkins, uniforms and shit like that. Lately Ive been working in the shop alot more though and Im kinda liking not always being on the road. Today Ill probably be in the shop until atleast 3 and then go on deliveries.

Im more of a morning person than a night person so that shift kinda sucks for me. Hopefully its just temporary until we replace the other driver that quit after 2 weeks.

10-4. Sounds like you don’t hate your job, which is better than most. Myself included.

Working on claims all day long.

I read that as “clams” and just LOLd.

bahahahahaha me too bro!!! :rofl :rofl ninja edit it real quick for her. :rofl

This thread is worse than face book status queers posting “I feel sad.” or “Going to do some laundry”


This is Shifts version of Facebook.

Nagged KK.

Exactly what I was just thinking.

Maybe a thread title change is in order.

And goddam Facebook is useless.

I have so many transformers, I dont want to grow up. Strongly considering taking pics of some of them and listing them. I want car parts.

well fine then.

I can’t help but have flashbacks of the 40yrs old virgin flick after seeing this post. Makes me wish i kept my shit when i was a kid i would have a mint now!

I do have a handful of the 1984 originals. Notably Soundwave, Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Ratchet and two Jetfires. I dont ride a bike everywhere tho lol

:hug no insult intended broski …jetfire was my fav back in the day!

I know lol. I get shit all the time for it from my pals, yet I still collect them. I get laid too.


ok this is my too do list today work,maybe flap,bank,wash audi, move it to new storage spot, cry a bit since it gonna snow again this wk, grocerys, some shenanigans will be ensued,workout…maybe flap again.

the end

Just ripped up the lawn in two spots with some duff practice drives and then proceeded to drive a plastic practice ball into my neighbor’s garden. :rofl

well left on the agenda is to play xbox, eat, and probably masturbate.

hopefully gonna neg corEy later

Worked/working 645am til 8pm. Fml