What are YOU doing today?

food,workout,golfing range,gaming,fap…then cruise…rinse n repeat

jerk off, run to cobykill, finish fixing exhaust, flash android 2.3 on the phone, shoot some clays, dinner, then honkey tonkin??

Watching the Yanks beat the Red Sox. Only the 2nd inning though.


Need to drive, going to Kingston, prob catch a movie. Either Suckerpunch or Battle for LA I think. Taking the hatch that still has shitty projectors at dark ftl

i should flash 2.3 on my evo… and jerk off right after

do it! 2.3 is badass!

make sure you’re “pulling in” on your downswing, don’t let your elbows get too far away from your body


Bowled a 300, now watching Yankees/redsox baseball enjoying a few ice cold beers.

nice man. Hard to do for sure.

Word, my first one. The game before i shot a 124 :facepalm:

talk about a turn-around :lol

Id be happy to bowl a 124 at this time. I havent been bowling in several years. I think my high game was 193 when I was in a league when I was younger.

I bowled quite a bit in highschool then I hyperextended the tendons in my rotator cuff and couldn’t bowl for 6-7 years. Just started again last year, got my avg over 200 and now have my 300. Just need my 700 series next (only bowled a 649 i think with my 300 :facepalm )

Played golf… that’s about it.

Kayaked across an ice jam… nothing special, really.

picked up my new project truck, 94 international with a 60 series detroit. Me and wayne dutch ruddered while listening the the jake brake in my driveway lolololol

gettin the wifes car inspected, putting on the summer tires, maybe ill throw a coat of wax on it if i feel ambitious enough after the gym

Working a double because my coworkers Wife spit the baby out. Not my baby. His baby. I wouldn’t put my cack in her if he paid me. But Congrats to them. OT for me. :smiley:
