What are YOU doing today?

It’s just for now… I need to get over what I need to get over man and it’s the end of the semester and need to focus on that instead of being distracted over nothing.

:/… Alright man, Il miss you… its been real

Sounds like Kbizz found a new turbo duder on facebook

Does his last name rhyme with blopkin?


Is that suppose to be a joke? I don’t waste my time with her

Of course its a joke teedee


Im prly gonna… since I got a turbo and junk now

Girls don’t like my turbo ride, its not comfortable inside :lol

they dont like my rides or me for that matter. Oh well, fuck it.

:eek :rofl


no, not bs at all but I dont give a fuck. I didnt buy my truck or car to impress women and Im an ugly motherfucker so fuck it.

Srs dude, don’t talk about yourself like that. You’re not ugly (no homo) and could pull decent ass if you tried.

I dont go looking for random whores, just not my style. Really Im fine with being single.

Me either, and me too…just sayin’

I think you’re confusing single with not getting pussy, Paul.

pjb, come out to the meadowbrook with me sometime and ill find a girl for you to AT LEAST talk to, we might go saturday.

Either way it works for me. I dont need the bullshit or drama.

Im not really sure whats going on Saturday night yet. I know Ive got a family party to go to at some point but dont know the deal after that.