What are YOU doing today?

Any professional trainer is going to tell you that your CNS needs a break every 8-12 weeks and you’re inhibiting your gains at the gym by not take time off.

Paul, another 20 pounds. You will be dead bro

Watching the longest F1 race ever.

Im not exactly rail thin or anorexic, contrary to popular belief and I do eat, especially on the weekends.

Right now Im 215 # and want to get under 200.

asnd youre like 6’3? healthy bro. you want to be lanky and weak. gotcha

Your diet is not even in the ballpark as compared as to what it should be.

yeah, Im 6’3". Im not in the shape I should be in and feel like I need to lose some weight.

I get stronger and not weaker.
Ive got a cousin thats 2" taller than me and seems to be stronger than me and he only weighs around 185#.

How the fuck do you know what I eat?

so youre an exercising anorexic right? are you a calorie counter, and you try to work off XXXX calories, rather than maintain and active lifestyle and eat right?

I never count calories and I consider myself active. Ive got a physically demanding job that doesnt just consist of me sitting in a truck all day like people think I do, I work out, I walk every night and ride my bike once a week.

you are like a girl though, all worried about your weight. relax man. enjoy life a little.

paul dont base eveything on lbs base it on how u look in the mirror and feel about your self. i used to base everything on lbs, it never ever works

I’ve gotta defend pjb here… at least hes exercising. He may not be doing it exactly how it should be done but he seems somewhat healthy. I’m 6’2 and I weigh about 195. If i were you paul I would just try to maintain 210-215.

I do look in the mirror and see where I need to lose some weight. My stomach area isnt nearly as flat as Id like it to be.

Youre only an inch shorter and 20 pounds less and yet you dont look anorexic like theyre saying I do.

I’m smaller but i’ve filled out in the past year. I use to be low 180’s all day in previous years.

I was up to 260 or so at one point back before I started working out. Earlier last year I was 245 and then I managed to lose 30 pounds.

I’m the same height as pjb, but i only weigh about 180. My arms and shoulders are solid, so are my legs. Not sure why you guys think he’ll be dead. Lol.

They actually don’t hire Brakeman. Conductor’s get brakeman work.

AIDS helps keep my weight at a steady 155

yeah, I dont understand the logic.


Story of my life.