what are you sippin' on?

natural light. and genny light. im watching my figure.

:highfive: yep, i’m still kickin

I have some unopened cans of MGD from the early 80’s in my basement…anyone willing to take the challenge? LOL

A big’ol glass of ice cold milk :smiley:

large timmy hos

Arnold Palmer…again.

Water here.

My brother from another mother! :highfive:

A medium shamrock shake and a mountain dew.

Mountain lighting… mmm :slight_smile:

ugh bro, go take a look at the nutrition facts of those things, you’ll never drink another one…

Word. They’re nasty.

But how’s the shamrock shake?

Capri Sun.

thats what im talkin about…


hopefully that link works…

Am i looking at the nutrition facts on the dew or shake?

As for the shamrock shake, its sooo good. It leaves you with minty breathe as well. :tup:

edit- I dont know what was worse, the 2 filet of fish sandwiches or the shake lol

stomach flu is pwning my life right now

I was being humorous through the use of verbal irony. When you thought I was agreeing with you about a shamrock shake, I revealed that I was actually expressing disgust towards mountain dew.



it was erie railbender last night (been on a kick with that stuff for a week or so now)

went to wegman’s last night and did the “build your own six pack.” i just grabbed six random bottles of beer, they’re currently in the fridge awaiting this evening.

jagermeister, bailey’s and disaronno are all residing in my freezer.

disaronno + OJ + sweet and sour mix = <3

Magic Hat #9

Still Arnold Palmer.