Crap. Tomorrow's gonna suck.

I should be sleeping like a baby right now. I’m sitting here wide awake :rolljerk: and couldn’t figure out why until I thought to check the label of the big bottle of sunkist orange pop I drank at like 10. Sho nuff. Caffein. :banghead:

I’m out of beer. Out of whiskey. I’ve got gin and vodka but I’m out of tonic. How the fuck am I supposed to neutralize the caffein now? Do I uncork a bottle of wine? I may just try the Svedka vodka on ice, but I dunno :uhh:

I’m going to go see what else we’ve got up there. I’ve got an entire bottle of menthol schnapps! :barf:

should probably just cutting your wrists… maybe the lack of blood or intense pain… feeling of impending doom… will make you fall asleep… or just pass out

Worth a try. BRB!

Warm milk?

happy gillmore just went through my mind when i read that


Thanks for the idea though.

I’ve got a glass of menthol mint schnapps on ice in front of me. It’s like drinking vic’s vapo-rub. Plus I just noticed it’s only 48 proof. Screw that. I need results. I’m going to toss this crap and do vodka on ice.

I get tired real fast when I watch tv with all of the lights off.

Yea I’m wide awake too, need to get to bed… big day of bossing fuzzyfish around… j/k fuzzy

Wake up Bikerfry Jr. from his lil home and watch a porno

jerk off?

Done and done. So to speak. :eyebrow:

So after a sip of menthol schnapps I poured that down the drain. A couple of sips of Svedka on ice and that went down the drain. :barf:

I uncorked a bottle of wine. I’ll have a glass of cab and go to bed. :tup: Should have started with that.

stick the bottle in your ass… always helps me go to sleep

or more seriously… just lay there and close your eyes… you’ll at least get some rest

It’s always fun being awake 4 hours before you need to be.

i haavent slept in i dont even know how long.

It was a bitch getting up, but after a lo carb monster and a bunch of coffee I feel fine. Plus I only have to work a half day today. As a team building exercise, all the engineers here are going to the bisons game this afternoon to eat and drink on the company dime while getting paid. :tup:

ohh i’m jealous. i want to take a half day and venture NYC :slight_smile:

edit: but i can’t :frowning:



isnt that where your boss takes on 35 engineering projects and
tries not to involve anyone else…?

Haha at my last job our teambuilding consisted of being united against a common enemy: upper management. Not good in a company of like 10 knowledge workers. :lol: