I just love fresh cold water… 8 - 12 cups a day
RedBull, in moderation.
Low Carb Monster.
Arnold Palmer.
That Barrel Aged Bold Taste… IN DIET
Strawberry daq SoBe or something… idk its pink
Java Monster Russian.
I’m gonna have to :picard: you.
quit drinking it a week ago though :tdown:
Tough to pick but Big black Java monster and DR. Pepper are up there at the moment
huge fan of arnold palmer right here! also like intense milk in vanilla and strawberry and enjoy apple or orange juice in the morning.
Haven’t had a pop/soda in about 10 months(30lbs) now and boy would I love a nice cold Pepper
lemon propel or diet caffeine free wegmans pop
Coffee & Water.
I have a slight coffee addiction.
WOW, Im such a fggt HaHa
spring water is disgusting.
If its water its dasani.
My favorite would have to be either Tim Hortons coffee or snaple green tea with lime.