What Car Are You?

i found this quiz pretty cool

here are my result


You live on the edge, and you live for the adrenaline rush. You don’t need luxuries, snob appeal, or superfluous gadgets. You put your top down, get your motor revving, and take all the curves that life throws at you at full speed. So what if you spin out occasionally

I’m a Ferrari 360 Modena!


“You’ve got it all. Power, passion, precision, and style. You’re sensuous, exotic, and temperamental. Sure, you’re expensive and high-maintenance, but you’re worth it.”


Lamborghini Murcielago
You’re not subtle, but you don’t want to be. Fast, loud, and dramatic, you want people to notice you, and then get out of the way. In a world full of sheep, you’re a raging bull.


You are a Chevrolet Corvette!


You’re a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You’re all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do.

I’m a Ferrari 360 Modena!


“You’ve got it all. Power, passion, precision, and style. You’re sensuous, exotic, and temperamental. Sure, you’re expensive and high-maintenance, but you’re worth it.”

I’m a Porsche 911!
You have a classic style, but you’re up-to-date with the latest technology. You’re ambitious, competitive, and you love to win. Performance, precision, and prestige - you’re one of the elite,and you know it.

I’m a Nissan 350Z!

You’re not the fastest or the most agile, but you have style and power. You believe in looking good and moving quickly – without breaking the bank.

Here is on of the pivotal questions, it seems to modify your results where others don’t change much.

Which tool would you be more comfortable wielding?
x Sledgehammer
x Scalpel

i picked both just out of curiosity and i still had the same result

im a corvette…classy baby




You believe in maximum performance and minimum baggage. You like to travel light and fast, hit the corners hard, and dance like there’s no tomorrow.

You’re not the fastest or the most agile, but you have style and power. You believe in looking good and moving quickly – without breaking the bank.

LOL, so true… :rofl:

Blew my theory out of the water!

360 here

Another 360. They are a sweet ass car I must admit, prolly my favourite on that list.

HAHA You are a Mazda RX-8!

you’re sporty, yet practical, and you have a style of your own. You like to have fun, and you like to bring friends along for the ride, but when it comes time for everyday chores, you’re willing to do your part.

You are a Nissan 240SX!


You are poor but like to preted not to be. Most likely you are in your early 20s or late 50’s, nothing in between. You like to show off your SR20DET motor from Japan, and are very cocky towards other, not-so-lucky KA owners. Long twisty roads entertin you, but you do not always get through them in one piece. Your hands are always dirty. You constantly complain of back pains.

Corvette here…
