what car is this

Lamborghini Estoque

4 door lambo

but above is likely more correct

the size of the rim in the back looks massive!

Id snag some groceries in that bitch.

Wow that’s gorgeous

need MOAR!!!

I want.

Lamborghini Estoque Concept

sorry bing thats the only pic i can find.but its fucking nice though

The front reminds me of a sunfire. lol

But that rear rim, OMG!

i dont know how i fell about that new facelift styling theyre putting on all the newe ones with all those lines and shit in the mouth, a little overdone i think

It’s my car, and I’d appreciate it if you asked before posting pics up on the interwebs :stuck_out_tongue:

You beat me to it!

That’s definitely my next family vehicle!