what class'sss are ya tanking that you are going to hate

I have to take human sexualities and statistics this semester
… both of them are the last class’s of there kind I will have to take for the rest of school carrier , one more year left…

I would recommend an english class.

well i know you enough to know why your tanking human sexualities :slight_smile:

is the sexualities prof hot?


I’m working on my Lean Six Sigma green belt.

real life

I would recommend an english class.
sorry post from i-phone in the caf… :rolljerk:

For the first time in a while, I have a couple gen eds. Writing 2, and photography for my art credit. Hotties in both :tup:

Other than that, all engineering shit. Diff Eq, Applied Math, Intrumentation, and Design. Hard fucking semester. 19 credit hours. And for some reason, as much as I hated writing papers before, that is now my favorite class.

ha i looked quick and thought your class was homosexuality and statistics.


arent you old?

im taking this comsys class (communication systems) for my major this semester…from 5-7 every monday/wednesday, 3 people in the class, easiest subject matter known to man-kind. i want to shoot myself.

I decided to take the plunge after working full time since i graduated and get my ass in school. Im majoring in communications and media arts. I signed up late so i could get an english class because they were all full.

I will be taking Rhetoric, Accounting, Broadcasting, and Elementary math (yes i already know, im a complete fool when it comes to equations and graphing). Granted it’s been almost 6 years since iv taken any sort of math at all, but i should pick it up pretty quick again.

I’m taking finance and macro economics. I’m looking forward to both, and will tank neither. :slight_smile:

Where do you go to school? I took Human Sexualities a few years ago at ECC with Dr. Barber…fun class lol.

Now, I’m in a behavioral psych class that is pretty interesting, but it’s not going to be easy.

Macro is a joke, finance is easy.

arent you old?
no ? just a hair over 39

srsly wow j rod

6 business classes. 2 super cool teachers, one shitty teacher