What did this start out as?

A buddy of mine sent this to me asking what it started as, I don’t have a clue but maybe one of you will.

like an early 90’s cavalier?

its prolly some kinda euro car that even if it was stock i wouldn’t recognize

How about a amtrak train?



like an early 90’s cavalier?


thats what I think the mirrors are pretty similar

To Each His Own

the German words on the hood…

those where the words above the entry way to one of the Nazi concentration camps


To Each His Own

the German words on the hood…

those where the words above the entry way to one of the Nazi concentration camps


It was Buchenwald, but the phrase dates back to ancient Rome, "To each according to his merits "


holy racist batman…no pun intended, but i can see why this person put that phrase on their hood. the front end reminds me of the punisher.

it stands for “to each is own”

Looks like an Opel Vectra


that opel does have very similar mirrors but thats all you can really base it on, every other aspect of the car has been altered.

integra. or dodge daytona. or something.

could be the euro equivalent of a Cavalier, the Vauxhaul (sp?) somethings.

side shots would help.


or something.


go figure.

Not American. I like the bold “666” in the plate number…

It looks like shit! Is it a German version of ricer? Why, when there’s so many nice cars in Germany?

What’s rare, and special to us. Is common and boring to them. That said, it’s quite unique and odd.

That thing is awesome!