what do i want for lunch???

I know you like to think your shit don’t stink

but lean alittle closer and you’ll see roses smell like booboo ooooo…oooooo

Sushi Deluxe @ Hibachi Japan FTW

YAAAAAAAAA BABAY! mmmmmmmm…chili dogs…


should of called me I would of gave a expert!

:bowrofl: be_rad you are tooooooo smoooooth!!!

and on that note…I’m goin to eat…

flexible eh?


EEEEEEEEEEEEEK I’m fixin that!!!

too late!


girls gone wild lunch line edition :slight_smile:

^ lol!


Sheetz is my second home, if no one could tell by the Sheetz Gas thread. Haha

man I want some sheetz now

i had the all you can eat buffet at KFC. :embarass:

wow they still do that???LOL I remember when I was little ( mind you that wasn’t terribley long ago ) my dad used to take us.

mashed potatos and gravy mmmmmmmm!!!


they still ahve sporks?!??

no. i wish. sporks are ultra-hardcore