what do i want for lunch???

vote! poll closes in a hr.

Chilli dogs FTW! They make the best breakfast food though,not lunch

My best guess is some Penis :dunno:

Home made stew ftw !!!

Chilli cheese dog for me

Chicken Caeser Wrap FTW

neither. go get a gyro :booty:

Chili cheese dogs from Dairy Queen > then from sheetz…mmmmmmmmmm I’m hungry!!!

gift card from sheetz > *

x2, breakfast of champions

I almost had Potbelly’s today, maybe for dinner. yummy!

sheetz is for ricers

spicy chicken from wendy’s, FTW.

I would like a double xxH22xx and a biggie mp3ray

I’ll take that to go please

ROFL! lol :rofl:

I love chili/cheese dogs at Sheetz.

What’s up with the Wendy’s sizes now? I went there a few weeks ago, order a spicy chicken combo…she asks me what size? I’m thinking wtf? and say large (last time I was there, a large drink was ~14oz). She brings out my mondo french fry and 1 liter pop. What a joke that is. When did they do that? I think subbing other shit for the fries is a good start, but how about if they give me 2 chicken sandwiches? That would be much better.

and the winner is…


That’s gonna smell yummy coing out…:scared: :eek: :puke:

my shit smells like roses :smiley:
