So whats for lunch today?

Grilled chicken salad here… and yes. i tossed it myself :kekegay:

nothing planned… maybe some messican

owners of the restaurant in my hotel are having a bigass party at their new house. Free drinks, free uber delicious food. Yes. I’ll be thinking of you all at 2:30 when im trashed.

you said uber :bash:

uber. means ultra. Example:

Kilmer420 is an uber fag

…which is “hella” uncool. Ducks and runs…

thx for the wonderful lesson in uber ghey words that you like to use on the interweb :mad: you uber homo

1 1s t3h 31337



such a noob :1320:

werd. a newb is I.

Ramen noodles :dunno:
i might not even have lunch

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eatin old lasagna for lunch but free dinner and drinks tonite! :beer:

im hungry now… what should i have?

turkey and cheese sandwiches, some chex mix, and water. I also got a bunch of teriyaki beef jerky which will most likely be consumed before I go home today.

![ favorite.JPG]( favorite.JPG)
Chad’s favorite

steak and egg hoagie from uncle sams subs.

Spring mix salad from wendy’s

that roast beef salad from quizno’s. thats the first and the last time i get that. it was good and all but i hate lettuce with a passion, and they refused to make the salad without lettuce, so i had to eat it.