lunch thread

what was for lunch today?

I had Sushi :yum:

12oz Mt Dew

what a coincidence… I had your fiancee’s vagina.

Was your lunch kinda fishy too?

McNuggets! were pretty shitty

harde har har

:steelers: GO STEELERS!

I went home for a hot sausage sandwich and some velveta mac & cheese.

ill bet you did :bj:

Chicken & broccoli, and an egg roll.

Salami and swiss cheese sandwich.

Sushi is usually reserved for Friday lunches. We are going to switch it up and go for Thai tomorrow, though. It’s been a while since I’ve taken a 2 hour lunch. :bigthumb:

:yum: gyros

i’m cooking mine now… see sig for hint

Chunky Peanut butter on wheat, and KC Masterpiece chips

cant spell what i had

mac and cheese

Veggie Burger

my dessert was chads mangina :yum:

lunch is on a small delay, propane tank is too cold and won’t heat the oil hot enough:doh: . so the tank is inside sitting in the laundry tub full of hot water.

If you blow the house… I think I will demand a divorce.

By the way, I had chicken and green beans

Chicken fried rice! mmmmmmm