What do you do for a living?

What is your occupation?

Army for now or Unemployed take your pick

your freedom is my profession :smiley:

Information Technology Analyst Level II
Kennametal, Inc.

Technician at a chevy dealer

I beat my dick

hahahahaha soon to be officer of the law

bodyman/painter pruni auto body!

hmm I need a new career

Front Desk Supervisor, 213 room motel in an extremely popular resort area.

Largest hotel in Ocean City by acerage, 3rd largest by number of rooms.

mechanical engineer - mostly finite element analysis, some design & testing


Network Analyst III - Marconi



The wiring master?

Im a Kitchen Designer at the moment. Looking for something back in my Tech field sometime soon


I mooch off of people for a living :frowning:


:rofl: ford wiring owns you