What do you think of this video

Even Simmon had to laugh!!!


hahahaha thats hilarious

omfg lmao

That is soo funny lol…

lmao bubbles.

if they want a act to play in front of the queen, then why not ‘2 girls 1 cup’?

^^^lol, that is nasty dude. Next thing the Queen wants to play!!!,2 girls 1Queen 1cup. lol

bubbles is back!! i guess he going to bring M.Jackson to court now for sexual harassment… LOL

Am I the only one that did not find that amusing? I mean, I watched it and thought it to be ok…but not OMGthatROXmySOX

i thought that was well done, pretty funny, you always have to wonder, where the fuck people find these talents lol

What telent exactly? Sticking your arm up a puppet and moving it around to background music?


lmfao, that was fukn hillarious!

OK THIS GUY IS NUTS!!! tell me what you think, he pass to bikes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCCrpVB5bFc