What happend to kohls meet up

Is every one meeting up some where elts?

How about try a introduction in the whats new @ shift section, because nobody on here is going to tell a random new member they know nothing about, where to hangout, most people on here don’t want stupid shit going on where there chill so they might want to know about you before just telling you where everyone is hanging out. And please don’t tell me thats how you really think “else” is spelled :facepalm

he said kohls prolly meaning lower lot :retardclap


sgt trooper?

So just tell him where the PRs hang out and we’ll be done with it.

Yeh we all meet up on the corner of rt155 and Quail now

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All those people meet up at Taco Bell on route 30 in Amsterdam now.
I hear you get a free burrito if you pull up with the Macarena blasting from your speakers.

new hang out is at 498 quail street… just walk right in, realllly nice house

one time that happend, never again


mustve been losing money giving out all those burritos then

yea i kept going trough good times.

I usually meet up over on livingston ave. The cops leave ya alone usually.

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Edit: Damn it!

Lock 4 lol

Get rid of this thread MEOW !!!