What happened on 88 last night???

Apparently there was some semi truck that just randomly split in half or some shit?!?! I dunno, someone brought me up pics on their phone but i can’t find any more info online. Anyone know what happened?

I saw a pic of it on facebook but that was it.

i got a pic on my phone… looks like two much weight and it split in 1/2 and the walls bowed out

what?!?! this thread needs moar pics, i know my bosses western star got wrecked i think either yesterday or the day before?

it was a freightliner columbia iirc… i’ll get the pics up in a bit

POST DA FUCKING PICS!!! Pete that head looks good BTW, thanks!!!

told ya bro

told ya nothing, post the pics

pics slowpoke!

pics or ban 1

i sent the picture to wayne, dont feel like hosting it

fuck it im locking the thread

and its the worst picture ever too :frowning:

fail in here

Sorry for the delay Wayne. You should have told me and I would have come in here sooner. Just happened to stumble on this and now can help by clearing your good name…


lol shit got FUCKED up. thanks for the pics homie!!!

optimus prime got owned by megatron when nobody was looking…autobots, roll out and dont look back!

he was distracted by my sig…

jesus christ. distracted by your sig is understatement of the year.

he has always had distracting signatures.

eh, keeps life entertaining for the easily distracted such as myself :wink: