Everyone pray for Psi2High and SullyVR4!!

So I recieved a phone call awhile ago, and it seems the delightful duo hath broken not 1, but 2 dually’s while bringing back a car for a friend from out of state. Long story short, they are about 450mi away from home, in a single cab Chevy truck that has a blown motor, with daylight dying rather quickly. At 1st Sean pulls over and realizes the motor is fucked, at this point they are still in civiliazation. Under orders of the person that organized said trip, he continues to drive the hurt pickup as far as he can, hoping that they will make it home. Well…after about 5miles the truck completely shits the bed, with nothing around. Sully calls me and tells me about the tradgedy, and I laughed my balls off. So now Sully is all alone in a broken single cab pickup with Sean, who may or may not try to rape him. All I can see coming out of this trip is something straight out of the movie wrong turn, where Sully and Sean are going to be chased by cannabalistic retards for the next 6-7hrs untill their help shows up. Good luck bitches, and we at shift are thinking about ya :rofl

See what happens when you drive a Chevy?

Word! Thing that sucks is 40 mins into LEAVING to get it the 1st truck shat the bed…lol. Was an omen from the start!

hahaha… that suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkks

Not funny… Im going to neg rep you if I can

Was that one a Chevy too?

You dont even own a Chevy so why would you take offense?

Not sure of the make of the 1st truck. I feel bad for em, they gotta sit around for 6-7hrs till someone comes to get them, and tehn wait to re-hook everything up, and then drive back another 7 hrs!!! :lol

Im glad im laid up, b/c I would have been with them :rofl

I didn’t take offense… it just wasn’t funny haha

either are all your gay sex comments in my for sale threads


Lets keep the PJB vs the world BS outta here…huh?

sorry sir… keep us posted about sully, sean, and leather face :lol

The first truck that broke was Jammer’s F350…an exhaust manifold blew out or something(atleast that’s what he said when he was at my house a minute ago). The second truck is just a gas ~'00 Chevy pick-up borrowed from Jammer’s brother(one of his company’s work trucks) and yeahhh that motor went bye-bye.

So now Randy I guess is taking Jammer’s 2 car trailer that’s at my house down there and putting Jaz’s truck on the trailer and figuring something out.

Yeah, I didnt post names just in case they didnt want people knowing, but oh well now lol. And Jammers F350 was sold a littel while ago…

Call me when you need a real truck to tow ya back

Not sure what’s the worst ownage: Breaking down in a car after taking a trip in a domestic or being stuck with those two chumps. :slight_smile:

Haha brutal…

this sucks

Yup, Sully is texting me right now…STILL on the side of the road waiting :rofl

  • rep for selling a freezer