Everyone pray for Psi2High and SullyVR4!!

HEY…pipe down. This is a srsly srs thread. 2 people are in grave danger here, and here is baby joe son of a bitch making funnys about a god damn freezer…wayy outta line…got alot of growin up to do!

sullys not going to walk straight for a week

At least! Hes FUCKED…literally…

He’s gonna be waiting for a longgg time…it’s a long ride from Albany to Route 220 in MD.

Both trucks were Chevy’s. It wasnt the Ford that broke because thats gone.

Oh, well I thought it was the Ford…should’ve paid more attention in the conversation!

first truck was a 01 chevy diesel blew out exh manifold …second is a 00 chevy single cab 454 gas motor that=no room to lay down or sleep to bad they didnt have pjb,s bed tent at least shaun would of had room to rape sully

You silly goose

You guys talk like my tent thats never been out of the package is some kind of weird gay sex place. WTF?

enough letsa keep thread on topic

Adam, I have never actually hurt myself laughing until now… cause, um, your right.

grave danger is possible… this is western Maryland… ever see them types ?

Omg yeah! Hey, arent you suposed to be rescueing those tards?? :lol


Didnt mom say it was bedtime Paul??


Just to be clear:

I sold the Black F350 Dually last week.
I bought a 2000 Diesel 3500 Chevy Tuesday to use as a manul labor work vehicle…and to tow race cars as needed.
The 2000 blew something exhaust related at the Ulter rest stop…at about 9:30 pm last night, 90 minutes into the trip. They returned and picked up a company rig, a 2000 gasser regulaer cab truck…
After plating in the Bimmerworld garage for 90 minutes , they drove north, the truck got a knock… then boom.

Sean and Sully (whom I hear could become pregant this trip due to his basil body temperture …Sean knew this temperture somehow) are gonna troop out one hell of a story here. Theres so much more than what meets the eye… cause if you look at the map, where they are, is no where on course directly to Albany… 70 miles west of 81…50 miles off course to the west… what was it they were up to… and for who? Cresaptown, MD

click here http://www.mapquest.com/maps?city=Cresaptown&state=MD#a/maps/m::4:39.672367:-76.303122:0:::::/e

between Milnor Ave and ASH on 220… page or so up on rt 220… this map… http://www.mapquest.com/mq/9-vspjErMQYGeXvo a page or so up on rt 220…

Sean and Scully…
sitting in a truck…
Cresaptown, MD … even sounds creepy

So how are you going to get the broken truck, the car, and trailor back home?? Gonna be interesting to say the least. I heard a certain flagger got recruited for the task…lol

Plan B 2

Randy, in his Dodge, took Jaz’s truck on my double trailer. Sean and Scully will return in Jaz’s 2003 1500 ext cab, pulling my bmw on the trailer it is on now. Randy will, somehow, God knows how, get the broken Gasserr on my double which he brought, and that should do it… unless Randys Truck, Jaz’s truck or either trailer has an issue… which seems possible based on facts at hand.

BTW, if it wasn’t for K20’s Dad, this story woulda got uglier faster. He fixed the trailer lights in the dark at the very last minute…

I feel bad.

Haha, typical Jammer mission gone wrong!! :lol :hug

Anything involving randy scares me…ALOT lol. And for a second I thought you were talking about Jaz’s dodge truck going down, then you’d definately be fucked!!!